Bron Turn’Up Vegetable Garnisher – Makes 2″ (5 cm) diameter cups Review

Bron Turn'Up Vegetable Garnisher - Makes 2

Challenge: To make this Out of this Enter the TurnUp, an ingenious tool from France designedto carry out that very task. (Models TU01 & TU02 are shown here below.) The gadgets main components are 1. a larger outer cylinder(right side of picture below), 2. a smaller inner cylinder (left side ofpicture) and 3. an oblong blade attached to the central plastic partof the TurnUp (upper right of picture). To learn how the TurnUp gets the shape of a cup from afruit or veggie (potato, cucumber, carrot, apple, turnip, melon or other fruit),read the description with pictures that follows.To start, slice a potato (or other fruit) in chunks as thick as you want theheight of your finished cup to be (thickness of slice height offinished up) Next, line up the Turnup with one of the slices, clutchthe TurnUp, push it all the way through the slice, then twist it back and forth tofinish the cutting. Youve just cut through the potato slice with a duo ofmetal cylinders, the inner one ending a drop before the outer one. That meansthat only the outer cylinder cut through the slice the entire way. The inner oneisnt supposed toif it did, youd be left without a base on your veggie cup.The potato slice is now in three cylindrical parts. Yourgoal is to keep the middle one. First you have to discard the inner and outerones. The latter is easy to ditch: its already detached. Avoiding the Turnups circular blades(theyre sharp), hold it and use your fingers to push the hollow outer veggie cylinder off. Now press down on the Turnup, just as youd push asyringes needle, to remove what remains. Two importantpoints here. 1: Since you have to push from the topanother spot with ablademake sure its safety cap is on. 2: Dont push down with a singleaggressive motion. Do it with taps: you need to be gentle to keep from tearingthe part you need intact. Finished, right Not so fast. Your veggie cup is stillattached at the base to the central unwanted part. Heres where the gadgets oblongblade comes in. Remov

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